Mys.Scot Media

Tormod Cockburn

Tormod has lived in the East Neuk of Fife, with the love of his life for the last two decades. He beachcombs Scotland for mysteries and legends, and his short stories are published in New Writing Scotland, Retreat West, and the Grindstone Open Prose competition.

He studied Economics at the University of Strathclyde and since then he’s worked in magazines, media and marketing. These days, when he’s not working or writing, he can be found pottering around Anstruther Harbour; mending lobster creels in a faded fair isle jumper and hanging around grumpy fishermen.

A big fan of Rankin, Tormod’s work aspires to that lofty height, but with fewer murders. He strives for the same sense of place achieved by Ann Cleeves, with a character as appealing as Jimmy Perez

‘The Bone Trap’ is Tormod’s first novel and the first in the ‘Mysterious Scotland’ series.